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Mesothelioma, it's all we do.
- 300+ years of combined experience
- Representing victims nationwide
- Proven results
- We come to you
What if I don't know how or where I was exposed to asbestos?
A. We have hired some of the most experienced investigators. They will figure out where you were exposed.
How much compensation can I expect?
A. Each case is unique. However, once an investigator has looked at your case, we should be able to give you an estimate of the money you will recover.
Why should I consider hiring you?
A. Our firm is the largest in the country that is dedicated solely to mesothelioma claims. We don't handle auto accident cases, divorces or other types of cases. We have offices across the country and represent mesothelioma victims in all 50 states, including Alaska and Hawaii. That means we have the experience and resources necessary to help you recover the most compensation. And, since we only handle mesothelioma claims, we are very sensitive to the special needs of our clients.
What if I am too sick to come to your office?
A. Since all of our clients are dealing with the same illness, we understand that travel is difficult. That is why we always come to you. We will meet you in your home or other convenient location.
If I bring a mesothelioma claim, will I get a bunch of legal bills?
A. No. Our law firm only gets paid if we recover compensation on your behalf. We advance all your costs. You will never get a bill from us.
Do I have to sue my former employer?
A. No. We are looking for the companies that manufactured asbestos products that were at your workplace or your home. Your former employer usually cannot be sued because of worker compensation laws.
What if I don't want to bring a lawsuit against anyone?
A. You don't have to. We can recover compensation for you from the trust funds that have been set up. Trust fund claims will not require you to file lawsuits or have courtroom visits. However, if you do not claim the money in a timely manner from a trust fund, the money may revert back to the companies who caused your asbestos exposure.
If I bring a claim for mesothelioma, will it be part of some big class action suit?
A. No. Each mesothelioma claim is handled individually. You will never be put in any class action lawsuit by our law firm.
If I recover any money from my mesothelioma claims, will the government send me a big tax bill?
A. No. All the money you recover for your injuries from mesothelioma is tax-free.
If I want to recover compensation for mesothelioma, will I have to file a lawsuit and go to court?
A. No. Many companies have set up trust funds to pay mesothelioma victims. These companies made or sold asbestos-containing products knowing that the products would later harm people. The companies did not voluntarily establish trust funds, but only did so after being ordered by a court or courts. Trust fund claims do not require you to go to court or file a lawsuit. Again, if you wait too long, you may not be able to recover compensation.
Someone in my family passed away from mesothelioma. Are all the claims they had lost because they passed?
A. No. The family may still be entitled to compensation even if the mesothelioma victim has already passed. However, if you wait too long, these claims may be barred.
Meet Our Clients

Alan & Sue, Virginia
Actual Client | Auto Mechanic

Walt & Ivy, Oregon
Actual Client | Navy Veteran